Member Frequently
Asked Questions

1) Is there any cost to participate in Art Pharmacy?

Participation in Art Pharmacy is free for patients.

2) I have completed the registration; what happens next?

After completing registration, a Care Navigator will contact you to discuss arts participation options. Once you select your first artistic activity, tickets or confirmation will be sent to you. After attending, you are expected to complete follow-up correspondence. This process continues until your social prescription ends.

3) What is a Care Navigator?

A Care Navigator is a dedicated support coordinator who assists you throughout the Art Pharmacy process. They recommend arts and culture activities that align with your health goals and interests, address any barriers you may have in accessing these activities, and consult with you about your feelings throughout the process.

4) Where is Art Pharmacy located?

Art Pharmacy doesn't have a physical address for the public to visit but instead we engage with members virtually and over the phone.

5) What are Art Pharmacy's operating hours, and can they be contacted outside these hours?

Art Pharmacy operates from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. EST, Monday through Friday. You can email You can also call or text 833-Art-4-Health at any time (if it's outside operating hours, leave a message, and a Care Navigator will return your call during normal operating hours).

6) What types of art and culture options does Art Pharmacy offer?

We offer both receptive and active artistic activities, with participation options in person, virtually, and via telephone.

7) What types of art and culture disciplines does Art Pharmacy offer?

We offer Visual Arts (e.g., Painting, Sculpture, Drawing, etc.); Performing Arts (e.g., Theater, Music, Dance, etc.); Literary Arts (Writing, Poetry, Playwriting, etc.); Textile and Traditional Arts (Sewing, Quilting, Decorating, etc.); as well as Cultural Experiences (Museums, Historical Centers and Tours, Botanical Gardens, Workshops), and more.

8) Can I bring a friend or caregiver with me to an artistic activity?

In most cases, Art Pharmacy covers the cost of a second ticket or entry to artistic activities so someone can accompany you.

9) How will I get to my art and culture activity?

If you don't have transportation, in most cases, we provide transportation assistance. Currently, we recommend downloading the Lyft app. Through the app, your Care Navigator can send you a Lyft pass to attend your activities. If you attend an event outside our normal operating hours and miss your scheduled Lyft ride, you will be responsible for arranging your own transportation to or from the event.

10) Can I participate in Art Pharmacy if I have a physical or mental disability?

Yes. Your Care Navigator will assign you accessible and appropriate artistic activities.

11) If I was referred but did not complete registration, can I participate in Art Pharmacy activities?

No. You must complete registration before we can connect you with services. If your referral is still active, you can complete registration at any time.

12) If I change providers, can I still access my Art Pharmacy social prescription?

Yes. Your prescription will be honored under the original referral; however, you may not be eligible for a renewal with the new provider. You can inform us about your new provider so we have their contact information.

13) What if I cannot attend an event or need to cancel?

You can text the word "Cancel" to 833-278-4432 or call the same number to cancel. If you know in advance that you cannot attend, please notify us at least 48 hours in advance.

14) What happens if I miss a scheduled artistic activity?

Please refer to our Absentee Policy here.

15) What if I can no longer participate in Art Pharmacy during my social prescription?

Inform your Care Navigator so they can remove you from monthly activities and connect you with other supports if necessary.

16) I am not receiving emails or text messages from Art Pharmacy; what should I do?

Inform your Care Navigator so they can verify that the information they have on record is correct.

17) What if I had an excellent experience at an artistic activity?

You should inform your Care Navigator and/or provide your feedback through the post-activity survey. We also encourage you to share your experience directly with the host of the art and culture activity.

18) What if I had a bad experience with an event or transportation? What should I do?

You should inform your Care Navigator and/or provide your feedback through the post-activity survey. We follow up with our Arts and Culture partners to ensure consistent quality of activities and will adjust our offerings as necessary.

19) What if I have an emergency during an artistic event?

If you or someone accompanying you is experiencing a life-threatening emergency, you should call 911 and inform the event host that you have an emergency. If it is a non-life-threatening emergency, you may leave the event and seek the necessary support as needed.